March 25, 2021
Parliament to inquire into locally-owned renewables
The House Environment and Energy Committee has agreed to hold a public inquiry into my renewable energy plan for regional Australia
March 24, 2021
Our regions need a fair go
We don’t want a government that does everything for us. But we do want a government that takes the reins when they need to. When the going gets tough you need to turn up.
March 24, 2021
Honour our communities’ Better Rail vision
I pay tribute to the people of Indi communities working tirelessly and fighting hard to make decision-makers think bigger and see the potential of Better Rail
March 23, 2021
Prime Minister can act on integrity crisis
I asked why the Prime Minister won’t support amendments to the Sex Discrimination Act and my Commonwealth Parliamentary Standards Bill and act on Parliament’s integrity crisis
March 22, 2021
Renewables, not gas, will bring rural energy security
Renewables could be the best thing to happen to regional Australia since the wool boom, but no-one seems to get that in government
March 22, 2021
Pangerang House digital literacy extends connection
At Wangaratta’s Pangerang Community House, 120 people have trained as volunteer digital mentors and helped connect older citizens with their families, communities and services
March 22, 2021
Wodonga men’s shed furnishes community
Increasing membership of Men’s Sheds shows what an important role these hubs play in our communities
March 22, 2021
Bill to track government’s regional spending
My Charter of Budget Honesty Bill would enable rural and regional Australians to see how seriously the government of the day is supporting them
March 19, 2021
Better Rail can deliver once-in-a-generation legacy
Better Rail is an important project that will become a great asset for the people of Indi but only if it’s done properly
March 18, 2021
Plan properly for more people in the regions
All Australians should be able to find a home in the regions, but the government must do more than just talk. It must act and really make it a reality.