
March 18, 2021

Communities deserve chemical hazard protection

Australian communities deserve to be protected from the hazards associated with the use of chemicals of an industrial nature

March 17, 2021

JobSeeker cut punitive when regions should thrive

If we really want to create jobs in regional communities, we should be creating more affordable housing, investing in transport, investing in childcare, and investing in skills.

March 16, 2021

Minister has power to sort Better Rail concerns

I invited the Deputy Prime Minister to visit in North East to raise serious community concerns about the progress of the Better Rail project in Wangaratta, Glenrowan, Benalla, and Euroa

March 15, 2021

Let’s accelerate North East road upgrades

North East Victoria is ready to meet the post-COVID domestic tourism boom, but we need safe and reliable roads. Roads to Recovery, the Black Spot Program and the Bridges Safety Renewal program are important. But more is needed.

March 15, 2021

More harm than good in credit bill

I cannot in good conscience support any legislation that would leave vulnerable people in my community saddled with bad debt, nor one that directly contradicts the very first recommendation of the banking royal commission

March 15, 2021

This day, urgent reform demands action

The Sex Discrimination Act 1984 excludes statutory appointees like MPs and judges from being protected from, or liable for, sexual harassment. We need change to restore the respect and trust Australians have lost in this government and Parliament.

March 13, 2021

Upcoming bills in Parliament

I assess each and every bill on its merits, putting the views of the community first. If any of these bills impact you, and you’d like to let me know your views, please email me or telephone my office.

March 13, 2021

Indigenous Voice: ‘Let’s just get this done’

I encourage everyone to explore the Indigenous Voice process and make a submission so, as a country, we can bring these Voices to the heart of our decision-making.

March 4, 2021

Federal government must rise to Aged Care Royal Commission challenge

For as long as I represent Indi, I will hold the government to account for the implementation of the Aged Care Royal Commission report recommendations. For us, five parts of the Royal Commission’s blueprint are especially important, and I intend to use my voice in Parliament to pursue these.

February 26, 2021

Indi Cockatoo # 28

Powering up community energy, latest JobSeeker payment cut, North East rail community concerns about ARTC’s Better Rail project works, how I voted in Parliament for the February 15-25 sitting, participating in the Indigenous Voice to Parliament, the work of my Canberra volunteers, my latest grants newsletter, Myrtleford Saints’ Good Sports award, and International Women’s Day 2021 events on March 8-9


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