

November 27, 2023

We must support businesses to reduce their energy bills

Getting this Bill right is critical as energy bill pressures increase and as Australia charts a path toward net zero emissions.

November 21, 2023

Additional roads funding must prioritise dangerous regional roads: Haines

I will be working to ensure our local councils get a fair and adequate share of this road funding, and that they’re not given short shrift in favour of larger, wealthier city councils.

November 16, 2023

We must nurture social cohesion, not divide this great nation

We should be doing everything we can to prevent unrest and division in our communities, and we should be doing everything to bring our communities together, centred around our shared humanity.

November 16, 2023

The Government has redirected funding away from regional road projects

The state of local roads in my electorate of Indi is dire. Regional and rural roads are disintegrating. They are unsafe to travel on. What are you doing to increase funding for regional and rural roads?

November 16, 2023

Haines criticises Labor Government over axeing of McKoy Street overpass funding

Independent Federal Member for Indi Helen Haines has criticised the Government’s decision to axe funding for the overpass at the notorious McKoy Street intersection.

November 15, 2023

We need to get the Closing Loopholes Bill right

Parts of the bill intend to close loopholes in working conditions that some businesses and employers exploit, to the detriment of workers. These can mean underpayment, unsafe working conditions and insecure work. I support the intent to close those loopholes.

November 15, 2023

Federal Government must act on dangerous regional roads: Haines

Independent Federal Member for Indi Helen Haines has backed a new report by the Grattan Institute detailing the dire state of roads in rural and regional Australia. The report highlights that there is not enough funding in the system and calls on the Federal Government to invest at least $1 billion annually to meet the road maintenance shortfall.

November 15, 2023

Incentivising small and medium businesses to electrify and save on energy bills

I’m committed to smart action on climate change, not just because it’s good and needed for our planet but because we know that renewables and electrification mean people save money.

November 13, 2023

Renewable energy can benefit regional Australia

As a regional Independent, I want my local communities, and others like them in regional, rural, and remote Australia, to benefit—to truly benefit—from hosting these large-scale, mostly foreign owned renewable energy developments.

November 13, 2023

Raising the voice of young people in Parliament

As part of this year’s campaign, 22-year-old Jye McBurnie from Wodonga in my electorate of Indi has written a speech that addresses the scourge of family and domestic violence.


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