

September 4, 2023

Natural Disaster Insurance

Communities across the electorate of Indi, too, have been hard hit by floods and other natural disasters such as bushfires, storms and even landslides.

September 4, 2023

Real Time Disclosure of Political Donations Bill 2023

The transparency of election campaign financing is key to its vitality and integrity. The loss of political integrity across Australia concerns Australians—just read the letters to the editor—and the data shows it too, with diminishing trust over a period of time.

August 17, 2023

Haines welcomes Housing Support Program but says regions must receive fair share

Helen Haines, Independent Federal Member for Indi, has welcomed the commitment by the Federal Government to fund critical enabling infrastructure to boost housing supply, but has called on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to guarantee regional Australia receive a fair share of the investment.

August 10, 2023

Higher Education Support Amendment (Response to the Australian Universities Accord Interim Report) Bill 2023 – Second Reading

Education is life changing. It opens doors for people, no matter their background, if they get the chance to engage in it.

August 9, 2023

Haines takes regional housing solutions to the Prime Minister

Independent Federal Member for Indi Helen Haines met with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on Wednesday to present practical and sensible solutions to address issues worsening the housing supply crisis in regional Australia.

August 9, 2023

Question Without Notice: Whistleblower Protections

Why has the government failed to intervene in Mr Boyle’s case? And when will you fix whistleblower protection laws, including by introducing a whistleblower protection commissioner?

August 7, 2023

Housing in Rural and Regional Australia

The combination of increased regional migration, rising rental prices, a decline in affordable housing supply and a rise in living costs is having devastating effects.

August 3, 2023

A bold vision for our regional health workforce

Independent Federal Member for Indi Helen Haines has called on the Federal Government to invest in the future of the rural health workforce, by funding a plan to make Albury Wodonga the Regional Health Education and Research Capital of Australia.

August 3, 2023

Environment Protection (Sea Dumping) Amendment (Using New Technologies to Fight Climate Change) Bill 2023 – Second Reading

When I was elected as the member for Indi, I was given a clear mandate by the community to take meaningful action on climate change. I take this mandate very seriously. It is my responsibility, as a legislator and as an Independent member of parliament, to scrutinise each piece of legislation that comes before me on its individual merits.

August 2, 2023

Rural Health Workforce Shortages

At one point or another, we have all been a patient in the healthcare system. It’s a universal experience. But the quality of this experience can be greatly shaped by the interactions we have with a nurse, GP, physio or psychologist.


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