
November 12, 2020

Government must act on bushfire prevention

Last year the government didn’t prepare well enough for the bushfires. On the brink of the next fire season we must ensure that the mistakes of last year are not repeated.

November 12, 2020

Return of Robert Boyle’s medals for Remembrance Day

It was a joy to present four generations of Robert Boyle’s family with his re-issued medals.

November 12, 2020

Communities want to be involved in their energy future

The Local Power Plan supports everyday Australians in regional Australia to benefit from the renewables boom

November 12, 2020

International year of the nurse and the midwife

We are grateful for the expertise, care and compassion of our nurses and midwives in this uncertain year.

November 9, 2020

Compassionate changes to support parents of stillborn babies

I’m pleased that the government responded to a Senate report by investing in initiatives designed to reduce stillbirths.

November 9, 2020

Climate Change Bill will conserve our special places

Climate change is both a significant challenge and a great opportunity for regional Australia. This Bill will help us protect our way of life in the regions, and to seize those opportunities before us.

October 29, 2020

Electoral donation laws lock in status quo

A missed opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to election funding.

October 28, 2020

Question time: Still waiting on aged care Home Care Packages

I asked the Minister when it will provide Home Care Packages to every Australian entitled to one.

October 28, 2020

2020-2021 Budget in Reply Speech

The message is clear from over 1200 constituents who responded to my Indi Budget Survey: though the budget contained some positive measures, it did not meet the moment we’re in.


October 27, 2020

Beechworth cleans up at Tidy Towns Awards

Beechworth ‘picks up’ top prize in 2020 Australian Sustainable Communities Tidy Towns Awards.


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