
August 24, 2020

Shovel-ready tourism offers Budget-ready opportunities

We need to ready the Indi region for a major revitalisation that fully captures the incoming domestic tourism boom after bushfires and COVID-19

August 24, 2020

Border closure question to the Prime Minister

In Question Time today I asked the Prime Minister what he was doing to resolve the issues on the Victorian-NSW border. As Prime Minister he has a responsibility to all Australians, including forgotten residents of our border communities.

August 24, 2020

Multiple masks, multiple hats show Upper Murray resilience

Saluting the initiative, intelligence and heart of people gathering to rebuild better and safeguard their communities into the future

August 24, 2020

House agrees to regional skills amendment

I welcome the Coalition government’s decision to put regional skills and workforce development into its Bill establishing the National Skills Commission – an amendment I moved in June 2020 but the government rejected

August 24, 2020

Finding a way to surf the renewables boom

At this critical moment for our country, we need a plan to ensure every regional community can take part in the renewable energy boom

June 18, 2020

Keeping defence veterans and their families front-of-mind

Reforms in the Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Supporting the Wellbeing of Veterans and Their Families) Bill 2020 make it clear that the nation sees our veterans and their families and recognises their immense contributions and unique challenges. It says: ‘We see you and we support you’.

June 18, 2020

Education reform should feed ambition and optimism

We have excellent regional universities that, with the right investment and development, could really transform our regions but they, too, need support.

June 17, 2020

Dedicated advocacy for rural health

The Health Insurance Amendment (Continuing the Office of the National Rural Health Commissioner) Bill 2020 consolidates the place of a dedicated advocate for rural health within government decision-making and policymaking

June 16, 2020

Community energy brings democratic, new policy approach

Putting everyday communities at the centre of the renewables boom that’s coming to regional Australia

June 15, 2020

Minister must honour aged care workforce bonus

The Minister for Aged Care and Senior Australians said our aged care workforce would be paid a pandemic-related retention bonus ‘after tax’ – $600 for home care and $800 for residential aged care workers. But last week we discovered the sums promised will be ‘before tax’.


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