
The federal government has introduced legislation to establish a Commission to oversee parliamentary conduct, following work begun by the former Member for Ifor Indi, Cathy McGowan in 2018 and continued by Helen Haines, Independent Federal Member for Indi.

Legislation will establish an Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission (IPSC) to enforce behaviour codes and apply sanctions for Parliamentarians, parliamentary staff and others working in the parliamentary setting.

Dr Haines said improving the standards and accountability for poor behaviour for parliamentarians and the broader Parliamentary workplace were long overdue.

“When I was first elected, I was astounded to learn there was no code of conduct for Members of Parliament. Like many Australians I have been appalled by the behaviour of some elected representatives that would not be tolerated in other workplaces,” Dr Haines said.

“The public holds us to the highest standards and unfortunately they are let down time and again by behaviour that doesn’t align with common decency.

“There needs to be clear standards for behaviour and consequences when MPs do not meet those standards, as there are in other public professions.”

The establishment of an independent commission was recommended by the Australian Human Rights Commission in its report into Commonwealth parliamentary workplaces in 2021. The report found an unacceptably high number of people, in particular women, experience bullying, sexual harassment or actual or attempted sexual assault in Commonwealth parliament workplace settings.

Draft Behaviour Codes for Members of Parliament and their staff were endorsed in 2023 and include a prohibition on bullying and harassment, sexual harassment and assault, and discrimination and the requirement to cultivate respectful and inclusive workplaces.

“The foundations of this work dates back to 2018 when my predecessor, Cathy McGowan brought a parliamentary standards bill to the parliament,” Dr Haines said.

An Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission was also a key pillar of the bill for a federal integrity commission that was introduced by Dr Haines and fuelled momentum toward the establishment of the National Anti-Corruption Commission.

“I extended my work on integrity with my own Commonwealth Parliamentary Standards Bill in 2020 to create a parliamentary standards commissioner to assess, investigate, resolve or refer serious alleged breaches of conduct.”

Following the bill’s introduction, it will be debated in Parliament before being voted on and established.

“This is an area that is important to me and important to the people of Indi, so I will be examining this legislation closely to ensure it reaches the standards we expect.”


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