
Independent Federal Member for Indi Helen Haines has called out the two major parties for orchestrating a stitch-up that weakens the transparency of the new Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission.

The Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission is the new watchdog which will have the power to investigate MPs and their staff accused of bad behaviour, which could result in sanctions including suspensions, removal from committees and docking of pay.

But under the Government’s proposal, which was agreed between the major parties, it will be up to the Privileges Committee, which is made up of MPs, to decide what those sanctions are.

“The Bill as currently drafted means serious findings could be made about an MP, but they could face no sanction and the public could never know,” Dr Haines said.

“I want to see more transparency around this process.”

Crossbenchers are pushing for the Privileges Committee to publish reasons if it departs from the recommendations of the Commission.

Dr Haines criticised the government as it slipped a key change to the composition of the Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission through the House of Representatives on Wednesday.

“The Government made two last minute changes to its own legislation that would reinforce the major party duopoly, ensuring no member of the crossbench can be deputy chair of the Parliamentary Standards oversight committee. What a stitch up!”

The Bill was also changed to restrict members of the oversight committee of the Commission to MPs who were also members of the Privileges Committee.

“We’re going to have the same people on the joint select committee as on the privileges committee, meaning the people who are meant to make sure the whole system is working are the same people who are part of it.

“I’m really staggered by this, and it isn’t right.

“This move compromises the Parliamentary Standards Commission and I’m really disappointed in the government for doing this deal that tarnishes a significant and important piece of legislation.

The Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission was a key recommendation of the Australian Human Rights Commission in its report into parliamentary workplaces in 2021 (informally known as the Jenkins Review) and is designed to improve accountability for bad behaviour in parliamentary workplaces.

The Commission was also a key pillar of the private members bill for a federal integrity commission introduced by Dr Haines, after being first pursued by the former Member for Indi, Cathy McGowan.


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