
Indi residents seeking to buy or rent a home in Wodonga and Alexandra will benefit from federal funding announced on Friday to kick start housing developments in North East Victoria.

City of Wodonga has been awarded $410,000 to develop a city growth strategy and Murrindindi Shire Council has been awarded $968,000 for planning for a residential development in Alexandra.

Independent Federal Member for Indi Helen Haines, who has consistently worked towards federal investment to unlock rural and regional housing supply, welcomed the funding boost.

“Housing availability is one of the biggest concerns people talk to me about. I am very pleased to announce that two projects to increase housing supply in Indi were awarded federal funding under stream one of the Housing Support Program,” Dr Haines said.

“I’ve supported these housing supply projects and others like them in Indi through letters of support and directly meeting with government ministers.”

The Housing Support Program was announced by the Federal Government in August 2023 to fund critical enabling infrastructure and development planning needed to boost housing supply – something Dr Haines has long being urging the government to invest in.

“Prior to the last election, I spoke to many people across Indi, including our local governments about the barriers to building more homes. Time and again I was told funding for critical enabling infrastructure such as sewerage, water and power, was needed to ready land for development,” Dr Haines said.

“A week before the Housing Support Program was announced, I met with the Prime Minister to make the case for exactly this type of program, which would kick start new housing projects in regional and rural areas. Mr Albanese listened and acknowledged the work I am doing on regional housing.”

Dr Haines has repeatedly urged the government to commit to regional Australia receiving its fair share of federal housing funding.

“I introduced my Unlocking Regional Housing Bill to guarantee that at least 30 per cent of housing funding would flow to regional, rural and remote Australia – where 30 per cent of Australians live,” Dr Haines said.

“There is no single solution to end the housing crisis. But a lack of investment in critical enabling infrastructure is a major handbrake on regional housing supply.

“This Housing Support Program funding will go some way to addressing the lack of housing in Wodonga and Alexandra. I will keep fighting for more funding for affordable housing right across Indi.

“As your Independent MP, I am listening to our communities, working with them to find solutions, developing policy and taking them to the government. I am working constructively to deliver much needed investment in our regional communities though fair and competitive funding processes.”

These projects were announced under Stream 1 of the Housing Support Program, with Stream 2 now open for applications.


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