
Des Moylan was a person of humble courage, boundless generosity and gentle grace. He knew his north star and followed it. Des volunteered for countless community organisations and stayed the course with them all. 

He was a founding member of the Benalla branch of Rural Australians for Refugees. While being wheeled into the operating theatre to undergo surgery for a brain tumour last year his compassion for refugees shone through, saying to his son, “we showed them Matty, we got them out. It took 15 years, but we got them out.” 

Alex McKenna, CEO of Cooinda Aged Care said: 

I would hate to think of the personal sacrifices that Des’s kind nature has accrued over 17 years. Des always put others first.  

When Benalla Centrelink office closed Des organised petitions, FOIs, and through my office, wrote letters to the Minister to try and get the office re-opened. The last time I saw Des just a few weeks ago, his last words to me were: “Don’t give up on Centrelink Helen.” 

Des was an active member of the Benalla Social Dance Group and was always happy to guide those who were less confident and have a laugh together when things got muddled!  

Des was the greatest role model you could find.

Des Moylan died in Benalla on 25th June 2024 aged 71 years. He was the loved father and father-in-law of Matthew and Sherwin, Emma and Tyler, Rose and Mohsen, Sophie and Daniel and treasured Grandpa Des of Doris, Ruby, Harper and Luna. Vale Des Moylan. 

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