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Discover grants

Looking for a grant or rebate for yourself, a community group or business? Here are some that are open for applications now: 

Women’s Environmental Leadership Australia Giving Circle Small Grants Program: This program supports women and gender-diverse people leading environment and climate action. Grants of up to $10,000 are available.

Closes 6 November 2024. More information and apply here.    

Animal-Assisted Programs Grant: This program funds Victorian schools with the cost of integrating animal-assisted wellbeing and engagement programs into their school. There are no specified minimum and maximum funding limits.

Closes 15 November 2024. More information and apply here.   

Future Drought Fund – Long-term Trials of Drought Resilient Farming Practices Grants Program: This program aims to investigate innovative farming practices and technologies through evidence-based trials, building drought and climate resilience for Australian farmers. Eligible agricultural industries include cereal, broadacre crops, horticulture crops and livestock.

Closes 19 November 2024. More information and apply here.   

If you’re seeking energy related rebates and grants, please visit my energy savings resources page for all opportunities currently available.  

You can search for more grants using Indi Funding Finder, a resource I make freely available for individuals, community groups and businesses across Indi. Click the here to register for Indi Funding Finder.   

Grant resources

Here you’ll find a series of six handy ‘how-to’ guides and corresponding videos to help you or your organisation find and apply for grants.

How-to videos

Workshop wrap-up

In August-September 2020 I hosted a series of free online grants workshops.

Grant workshop video

View the recording of the full workshop held on September 15, 2020:

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