
Protect yourself against scams

What are some types of scams?

Most scams are aimed at stealing our money or identification. 

Common types of scams include romance scams, investment scams and impersonation scams.  

Scammers use all sorts of techniques to get to us, and they become more sophisticated all the time. These include texts and emails, suspicious links and calls.  

You can familiarise yourself with these here.

How to spot a scam

It can be challenging to spot a scam, but there are some actions you can take to spot a scammer. 

If you’re not sure that the person on the other end of the phone actually is who they say they are, hang up and call the organisation by using their official published contact details. 

Visit the website of the company they claim to be from, look out for any notices about recent impersonation scams. They may say something like ‘we will never ask for your login details’, such as these:  

Australia Post


Centrelink/Services Australia 

You can also sign up for free email alerts on new scams targeting consumers and small business at Scamwatch.

Click here to view the presentation given by Minister Stephen Jones MP at my scam awareness forums.

How to safeguard yourself

There are measures you can take to protect youself and your loved ones.

  • Block callers – on a mobile phone, there may be a setting to block specific numbers. You can also use an app (but watch out for charges). On your home phone, you can get a handset that lets you block calls, or you can get a device for your existing phone that can block callers.
  • Turn on 2-factor authentication for your online accounts, including banking, email and social media for extra security.
  • Carefully choose who you share personal details with online and update privacy settings on social media.
  • Check text messages carefully. Look for things that don’t look right – bad spelling, strange sender name or number.
  • Put a lock on your home mailbox – this way, people can’t steal items that give information about your identity. 
  • Be careful of suspicous links in text messages, emails and websites.

You can also register your personal number on the Do Not Call Register so that telemarketers cannot call you.

Accessing help if you've been scammed

If you’ve falled victim to a scam, support is available.

Contact your bank as soon as you can, and request they cancel any transfers.

Read more about financial counselling services available or find a financial counsellor near you here.

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636

You can also visit the local branch of your bank to explore options available to you.